If we’re talking nouns: a constant will remain the same, & in an unchanged state. Regardless of any and everything that transpires, takes place, happens or doesn’t.. a constant will remain exactly that. Like a regular at the shop or bar who comes in at (or around) the same day & time, all the time. They know what they want and you know what they want, too. Sometimes the regular is a fave of yours & other times.. not so much. A regular can be annoying as fuck, too. “This same shit again? AGAIN?!” Yep. Again. Like clockwork. But you already knew that. Who can really be mad at a regular, though? Like.. why be mad at (or have disdain for) something that you know is Not. Going. To change? Your best bet is to not dwell, accept it (whatever IT is) for what it is, and keep it pushing.
What DOES change, however, are Variables. At the drop of a dime & at any given time, variables can (& should) serve as the change that some so desperately desire. Because who wants to stay the same? Who wants to keep doing the same ol’ shit, day in & day out, forever and for eternity?
“I do!” Said no one, ever.