Balance II (The Energy You Give)
Have you ever felt out of sync? Off-kilter? Off balanced?
Oh, you have?! Welcome to the club. Most everyone has felt this way at one point or another. It’s not always pretty and usually doesn’t feel too good, but it happens to the best of us.
Moment of utmost transparency: I am 1000%, unequivocally, unapologetically & without question: a human fucking being. Flawed and complex in nature, I am a walking contradiction of who I once was versus who I aspire to be in this world. I make mistakes. I say (& do) stupid shit sometimes. I am a recovering over-thinker and can be extremely hard on myself. I haven’t been a great friend at times. I’m prone to falling off of the grid, in an effort to regroup and refocus my thoughts & actions. My anxiety and depression have tried their damnedest to get the best of me and derail me from the goals that I’ve set out for myself. I’ve tripped, fell, and fell a few more times for good measure. The silver lining of it all: I am plus one in terms of getting back up.
“Karma isn’t fate. Nor is it a punishment imposed on us by some external agent. We create our own karma. Karma is the result of the choices that we make every moment of every day. ”
It’s easy to fall victim to the unfortunate circumstances that present themselves throughout our time here on Earth. Our energy can become consumed and convoluted with counterproductive bullshit, creating a cycle of negative input and output. I’m speaking from personal experience, as I’ve dealt with a myriad of not so positive ways of thinking and doing. It took a few hard-learned lessons before it finally clicked: the energy I was receiving from the universe was directly correlated with the energy that I was putting into it.
Gold Balance / White Balance coming soon.
I like to think that all things (living and/or operational) within this Universe are fueled by karmic energy, which is an abstract construct of cause and effect. With its limitless power and the ability of moving in any direction (& as fast or as slow as it seems fit), karmic energy seeks to maintain balance, vitality, and equanimity amongst all and everything. As a derivative of a seemingly negative expressionary concept, karmic energy is not set out to wreck havoc and does not intentionally act on ill will or bad fortunate. Karmic energy is authentic, raw and pure. It’s a reflection in the mirror of reality; a metaphysical display of concurrent cause and effect. & Although you can’t see or touch karmic energy… you can definitely feel it.
Karmic energy is real AF. We reap what we sow. Sow good seeds, reap good karma. & Vice versa. It’s not rocket science. Karma does not have to be a bad thing. It is completely dependent on the vibrations you put out into the universe. Cause & Effect. Light versus Darkness. Love over Hate. Compassion & gratitude instead of jealousy & greed. Empathy over envy. Mindfulness over Mindlessness. Karma can be a good thing when there’s BALANCE II / THE ENERGY YOU GIVE.
7 Points of Energy
-Crown (Violet): Enlightenment & Consciousness
-Third Eye (Indigo): Intuition and Understanding
-Throat (Turquoise): Communication & Self-Expression
-Heart (Jade): Balance, Love & Connection
-Core (Yellow/Tigers Eye): Energy, Vitality, Will Power & Personal Authority
-Primal Instinct/Sacral (Carnelian): Relational, Emotion, Sexuality & Self-Gratification
-Root/Foundation (Red): Self-Preservation & Survival, Grounding, To Be Here & In the Present
“Energy is contagious, positive and negative alike. I will forever be mindful of what and who I am allowing into my space.”
Gold Balance / White Balance coming soon.