Ladies and Gentleman, the VARIANT POLICY is in full effect.

FACT: A variant is a form or version of something that differs in some respect from other forms of the same thing, or from the standard. It’s another version of something.

Variants are becoming known as forms of COVID strands, but they are also named after Greek letters.

Greek letters run deeper than the COVID names they occupy. They hold a much heavier weight in higher education, with [historically-black] colleges and universities having established an 100+ year legacy and history throughout various Greek-lettered organizations.

These collectives are of the same magnitude, if not greater, than the variants that hold a similar namesake… & it can be argued that they (Greek-lettered organizations) are of more personal importance to those that are a part of these organizations, or those related to or close with someone in one of these groups.

With school back in session, we decided to do a thing… & release a few variants of our own. Why? Becaue it makes sense. The difference? Our variants are far less dangerous, a bit more relevant, and can help protect & defend against those OTHER variants (i.e. Lambda). Swipe and enjoy; for You, Your Parents, Your Friends, Your Kids, their Teachers, & your Life/Style.

Jamal Malik