A collection of thoughts, concepts & hand-craftesd accessories; For Your Life/Style.
So here we are. 19 days into 20/20.
Cars aren’t flying, we’re not stepping on-to teleportation pads that beam us elsewhere, and we aren’t recovering from technological turmoil. In fact, things are quite the opposite.We’re thriving and surviving in these new-age streets, more-so now than ever before. It’s taken some time to get where we are today; twenty round-trips around the sun since.... well, you know. & in that same period of time, (we) pre-teens collectively grew into fairly functioning adults in a restructured world; a systematic construct of evolution and revolution.
A new generation, a new millennium.. predestined to usher in a new way of doing things.
A lot has changed in the last in the last twenty years… but not everything (in standard constant-variable fashion). Technology has advanced exponentially, and the overall social/cultural/& economic landscapes have shifted a bit.
Self-care has become highly relevant, but we’re not only talking about physical health anymore. Mental health is finally getting the attention it deserves, and conversations that we used to shy away from are being had more often, as they should have been far sooner. & yet, even with the depth of change mentioned (& not mentioned), the sun still rises and sets as it always has. Most are still working 40+ hour work weeks, to handle the same, or similar, responsibilities as our parents & generations before us.
We communicate differently nowadays… digitally, mostly. New languages are being used (emojis), and 150+ words have been added to the Merriam-Webster dictionary in the last two years alone.
So, let’s delve into the topic at hand.
There’s a major consistency between the constant-variables mentioned above, and a common denominator between [effective] communication and self- care both then and now… & that, ladies and gentlemen, is the Prefix.
By definitive terms, the meaning of a prefix is mentioned above, but in standard 30/50 fashion, we’ve taken the concept of a prefix and re-imagined a bit. We also plan on taking some time to utilize the “Pre-Fix” towards how 30/50 will be structured and operated moving forward. Don’t worry, we aren’t going anywhere. You know where to find us, how to reach us, and how we get down.
Feel free to incorporate any thoughts that you see here (or throughout the site) in any way that you see helpful, insightful.. or interesting in general. Also, for all intent(s) & purposes, please note that a prefix at the beginning of a word doesn’t always make it a prefix. You all probably already knew that, I’m sure. Until next time, Shop 30/50; for your Life/Style.