Our first collection of NFT’s are now available on OpenSea.

What’s an NFT, you ask? Great question.


A). Watch the video above

B.) Read the information below

or C.) Do Both

Take Your Pick.


*Non-Fungible Token

-a digital asset [& ART FORM] that LIVES and OPERATES  on the BLOCKCHAIN

*similar to, but different than*


a [decentralized] digital currency; peer-to-peer electronic payment* that also


BLOCKCHAIN: a system of recording information in a way that makes it difficult/impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system. 

& last but not least—

CRYPTO WALLET(s): where one safely secures their cryptocurrency, & is also used to buy, sell, and trade crypto on the Ethereum blockchain / Metaverse.

Note: You’ll definitely need these.*

NFT’s are digital art forms & are often likened to stockreal estatetrading cards, & even Pokémon.

They hold (& INCREASE) in value based on special traits & characteristics that make them individual, unique, one-of-a-kind* and non-replaceable in nature.

NOTE: as it stands today, most NFT’s that are bought, sold, and traded are DIGITAL assets (ONLY), with little to no physical utility attached.

We have HIGH HOPES on changing that.

Our Inaugural Collection of NFT’s are a special type of entry into this new and exciting space. 

THE 1ST30 is a re-release of our 1st 30 hand-crafted* bracelets, now as both PHYSICAL and DIGITAL assets (& accessories). 

Through our NFT’s,

Not only will you own our certified digital asset on the blockchain, but you will also have its PHYSICAL/TANGIBLE asset and accessory, in real life.

This is new territory, not only for 30/50 as a brand, but for everyone. The digital landscape is changing, and we would love for you all to journey through these exciting times with us. 

We know that this is all a lot to take in, but it’s fairly important information to be privy to.

We also know that everyone may not be ready to lean into cryptocurrency, NFT’s, and the metaverse in general… which leads us to our next post.

Click the link below (to the left, dropping soon) to learn more about why ‘With Love’ is a book worth having.

For Now, For Later, For Your Life & For Your Style.

Jamal Malik