For things to consistently go well without hiccup or issue is a rare treat & feet that only luck can create... which is not to say we that we aren’t able to align ourselves with the success that we seek.
As a matter of fact, it’s highly advised that we, in fact, directly align ourselves to the success we strive for in this world.
It’s completely normal to have not so happy feelings towards pain and discomfort, especially if it impedes upon that flow of progression that we are all aiming for. I know this to be a fact. The bottom [of the barrel, ocean, crybaby lake, etc.] can go down further for some than for others. No matter the depth of the hole, however, there’s only one way out, and it’s up.
Upward and onward.
We’re all going to fail and/or fall at some point or another in our lives. Sometimes the fall can hurt, and other times it can slow us down... but it does NOT have to stop us from achieving the goals we set out for ourselves. If and when you fall or fail... do so moving forward & call it a hike. You ever been? It’s a good climb & a good time.
An ascending thought; for your life/style.