-God-like. Of, from, and /or like a God.
-Devoted to God.
-Excellent, delightful.
-Having supernatural or magical insight (into future events).


On the Twenty-Sixth Day of December, Two Thousand Eighteen;


If you were to ask me, for whatever reason, what show(s) I’m binging on & can’t stop watching right now… I’d say “Hmmm. Good question. Currently, I’m watching 2018 fly away.” I’d say exactly that and I’d mean it.

This year has been a beautiful dark twisted fantasy. If Two-Thousand Eighteen had a superpower, it would be her ability to facilitate and/or manipulate Time (& the perception of).

Time (the indefinite/continued progress and events in the past, present or future) floats like Air & flows like Water. Time gives us the light and warmth of the Sun; while equally supplying the stars, the Moon, & it’s chilling darkness. Time; with its essence and [divine] power: can destroy and rebuild the Earth. As each day starts and ends, she begins again; the World & the Earth rotating on its T-Axis. (T=TIME)

"Time is the eldest child of the Universe, led directly by the God(s) to Progress, Protect & Direct; The Earth, its Elements & Inhabitants, Therof."

For us Inhabitants (human beings and living creatures)---we have been intrinsically linked and synced into a live-action docu/series of Space & Time. It’s the longest ongoing, never stopping sequence of All-Time. This is not your standard streaming service(d) show. It could be, however.... & if it were, its premise would read like this: “Another yearly merry-go-round the Universe (of Time and Space) is coming to an end; to begin again as soon as it’s over. Finely orchestrated & produced by the Power(s) that be; our newly acquired group of inhabitants are up against the oldest challenge known to Man: Saving the Earth all while trying to (not) destroy it.”


Time cannot be engineered, influenced or changed; trying to do so only increases the strength of her Power. She is of no mystery; she doesn’t hide and she will not leave you. Not forever, at least. In the event that it feels like Time has abandoned you, rest assured that she’ll be back---& is likely to return with a bad attitude and a nasty crick in her neck. Time does not want to do to us what we are guilty of trying to do to her (manipulate, control, maneuver); she operates in a [divine] Space between treating others how she wants to be treated, and treating people how they treat her.


We’ve seen this show before. Or maybe it was a movie. Nevertheless, we have all been slated and summoned to participate in this upcoming live-action docu/season of Space & Time. The stakes are high and everyone is watching [& participating]. How will you thrive and survive? How do you plan on ensuring your spot in the next round? & then again? & again? Because (AGAIN), this is the longest ongoing, never-stopping series of ALL. TIME. Whatever you thought you were doing before you got the call was practice. & Now, its game-time.

With two-thousand and eighteen sets of established seasons (prior to the up and coming), there are plenty of books, photos, people and things.. or accessories rather; to study, learn from, & utilize towards your betterment and success. You have a bit of experience under your belt, & luckily these life/style concepts are not as foreign as one could assume.


“A great silent space holds all of nature in its embrace. It also holds you.” — Eckhart Tolle

This is what you’ll need (which is also what you [already] know): You know that Water is blue; as is the Sky. That’s where the clouds are; floating amongst the Air. You’ll see the Sun and the Moon, but never at the same time (unless you’re lucky); the Sun will light a bright flame and the Moon will shine upon the stars (& against the black sky). Air, Water and Fire must flow within the same Space; Here on Earth. To accomplish this; is to be [DIVINE].
